EMSI Releases a New Qualified Individual Course and Job Aid

In addition to EMSI’s guidance on performing in the Operational Planning Process, this job aid offers several key checklists and reference sheets for the COML. You can order the Communications Unit Leader job aid or any one of our other ICS job aids exclusively at IMTGear.com. EMSI continues to provide …

Advanced Safety Officer Workshop for the Railroad Industry

Looking for a new angle to improve your organization’s Safety Officer’s skills? What could be better than taking a handful of great like-minded safety individuals, putting them in a room for two days, and allowing them to dissect a scenario to better enhance their overall safety skills?   (Nothing, right?) In …

Course Updates: ICS-320 and ICS-410

EMSI is pleased to announce that we have recently completed significant updates to two of our flagship courses: ICS-320 Intermediate Incident Management Team and ICS-410 Advanced Incident Commander. ICS-320 The ICS-320 course has long been a staple of the EMSI training catalog.  The course traditionally focuses on the functions of …

The Role of the Environmental Unit Leader (ENVL or EUL)

EMSI, Inc. continues to provide emergency management performance support to responders through the development of Incident Command System (ICS) courses and job aids. We are proud to offer our new Environmental Unit Leader course and job aid. This course and job aid were recently developed in consultation with government and …

EMSI Develops and Presents Aerial Observer Training

The Federal Register of August 31, 2009* delivered the final requirements for vessel and facility spill removal equipment and planning.  These long awaited changes included requirements for “trained observation personnel to support oil spill removal operations, commencing upon initial assessment, and capable of coordinating on-scene cleanup operations, including dispersant and …

A Tribute to an American Hero

EMSI recently had the pleasure of presenting an ICS-341, Incident Response Planning course, for USCG Sector Los Angeles/Long Beach at Fort McArthur. Seventeen members of USCG active duty and auxiliary attended the course taught September 20-24, 2010. This course teaches skills needed to implement the Incident Command System planning process …

Just In Time Training

Just in Time Training (JIT) is a term used to refer to training that takes place on an incident in which students are actual responders. The purpose of this type of training is to improve an individual’s performance, understand how their position interacts with other members of the team, and …