ICS Acronyms

This listing of positions is intended to help incident responders by providing a consolidated catalog of acronyms related to the Incident Command System’s positions. It is not a comprehensive, definitive, or exhaustive listing; it is simply a collection of acronyms we’ve compiled together into a single document as a service to responders worldwide. We hope you find it useful!

In addition to this list of acronyms, FEMA maintains the FEMA Acronyms, Abbreviations and Terms: A Capability Job and Field Aid, which was updated in March 2023.

Do you want to test your knowledge of ICS acroymns? Click here to study using Quizlet!

ICS Acronyms

Adding to our resource quiver, EMSI is proud to announce that we’ve posted an Incident Command System position acronym job aid to our website. This listing of positions is intended to help incident responders by providing a consolidated catalog of acronyms related to the ICS positions. It is not a comprehensive, definitive, or exhaustive listing; it is simply a collection of acronyms we’ve compiled together into a single document as a service to responders worldwide. Check it out!