With more than thirty years of experience in incident and event management, Doug has extensive response experience at the local, regional, and national levels and vast experience teaching and using the Incident Command System (ICS). Prior to joining EMSI’s cadre in 2008, he served over 23 years in the U.S. Coast Guard, bringing years of experience in incident and emergency management to our clients.
A career environmental compliance and response professional, Doug attained 16 Marine Safety qualifications during his service. Indicative of his expertise and experience in the Coast Guard, he served an extended tour of duty as a Chief of the Chemical Response Department on the prestigious National Strike Force. Critical to the application of ICS in the Coast Guard, his involvement was vital to the startup and execution of the ICS training and implementation program across the entire Coast Guard. During this time, Doug also trained personnel and aided in standing up the USCG Atlantic Area’s Incident Management Team, (IMAT).
Leading and serving in key positions for several national-level incidents, Doug gained extensive experience throughout his career. As the lead planner and manager for multi-agency security effort for Super Bowl 39 in Jacksonville, Florida, he was responsible for organizing staffs and implementing a plan for over 300 security personnel from eight different federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. As the Operation Section Chief for military out-load activities for the Port of Jacksonville, Doug managed the safety and security efforts with over 200 active duty and reserve personnel. In his role as a Response Supervisor on over 30 high profile federal responses, he directed multi-million dollar emergency response actions, including hurricane responses; major ship groundings and clean-ups; WMD; and planned security events such as the G8 Summit, presidential conventions and Olympics. In addition, Doug completed extensive training in hazardous materials incident response and oversaw responses to numerous oil and hazardous materials incidents throughout his career.
Since joining EMSI in 2008, Doug has taught and coached ICS and incident management to thousands of responders, in the classroom, through exercises, and on responses, to both government and industry response teams around the world.
Doug is a recognized national and international incident management expert. Doug has obtained the following certifications: Certified Environmental Trainer, Certified Senior Incident Command System Trainer, FEMA Certified Master Exercise Practitioner (MEP). As a Master Exercise Practitioner, Doug has worked closely with the oil and gas industry companies to exercise plans and prepare to respond to highly complex scenarios on a global basis.
A proven incident leader, Doug holds an ICS Type 2 Incident Commander qualification and Type 1 certifications as Operations Section Chief, Planning Section Chief, Safety Officer, Resource Unit Leader, and Situation Unit Leader, in addition to numerous hazardous materials response and safety certifications.