ICS Canada I-300, Intermediate ICS

Course Overview

ICS Canada’s I-300, Intermediate ICS, is designed to enable personnel to operate efficiently during an incident or event within the Incident Command System (ICS) in supervisory roles on expanding or Type 3 Incidents. I-300 defines the unique qualities of ICS as an event or incident management system in an expanding situation. The course units and lessons provide a review of ICS fundamentals, assessing incidents and setting objectives, Unified Command, Resource Management, the planning process, demobilization, transfer and termination of command of an incident. This course is currently only available in English.

Specific Course Topics

At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to do the following:

  • Describe the incident/event management process for supervisors and expanding incidents as prescribed by the Incident Command System (ICS).
  • Implement the incident management process on a simulated Type 3 Incident.
  • Develop an Incident Action Plan for a simulated incident.

Target Audience

Incident Management personnel serving as Incident Management Team (IMT) members, middle management, line officers, director heads, or emergency managers.


Duration: Two and a half days (20 hours)

Pre-requisite (required)

  • I-200
    Note: Sufficient time must have elapsed after attending the I-200 course for students to use the knowledge gained in an operation setting or training exercise prior to attending I-300. Students may have their operational experience assessed through a PLAR process on a case by case basis that may shorten the time period between courses. By no means shall students attend I-200 and I-300 courses back to back.

This Course may be Taught in Conjunction With

  • None


  • FEMA/EMI ICS-300