Visit with EMSI at Upcoming Conferences

We are approaching a busy conference season and look forward to seeing our clients, partners, and friends, as well as meeting new ones, at the upcoming Clean Gulf, IAEM, and AHIMTA conferences. Clean Gulf – October 28-31, New Orleans Louisiana The Clean Gulf conference covers spill preparedness and response topics …

EMSI-Proactima Announces Web-Based ICS-200 Course

Do you need Incident Command System (ICS) training in Norway?  Well look no further! We’re proud to announce our Proactima-EMSI web-based ICS-200 course is now available through Proactima’s e-learning system. Since 2016, EMSI and Proactima have partnered to deliver incident management solutions to the Scandinavian community.  A collaborative effort, EMSI …

ICS Training: A Perishable Skill

As many of those in the incident response field are aware, the time to prepare for an incident is not when one arises. Preparedness professionals routinely schedule training and exercises to ensure that our responders have the skill sets necessary when the need becomes apparent. It is this forethought and …

New ICS Review Guide

Continuing to provide critical emergency management performance support to responders, EMSI is proud to offer our new Incident Command System (ICS) Review guide.  This guide was developed as a refresher for ICS practitioners to aid in preparation for advanced training, exercises, or real-world events.  Recognizing that many responders may have …

S420: Advancing to the Type 2 Level

A challenging and rare course in the Incident Command System curriculum, the S420 course (alternatively called ICS-420) is designed to prepare students to function effectively in a Type 2 Command or General Staff position and is typically only offered by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) or U.S. Coast Guard. …

New Intelligence/Investigations Job Aid Released

An international leader in developing tools and training for initial and sustained responses, EMSI is passionate about preparing responders to be ready for all-hazards incidents. As part of this commitment, we have created over twenty job aids and guidebooks that aid emergency managers and front-line responders in performing their duties, …


For the second time this year, the EMSI IMT deployed as part of a DOE/NNSA exercise to provide incident management assistance to DOE/NNSA technical response teams, most recently during the Nuclear Weapons Accident/Incident Exercise (NUWAIX 19) in late April.  Conducted at the DOE Pantex Plant in Amarillo, TX, NUWAIX 19 …