EMSI to Provide Incident Commander Training at the AHIMT Conference

EMSI is pleased to announce that we will be attending and supporting the All-Hazards IMT Association (AHIMTA) 2015 Training & Education Symposium in Denver, CO, in December 2015.  As part of our involvement in the symposium, we will be offering our ICS-310: Intermediate Incident Commander training course during the pre- symposium training days on December 5-7.

Training enrollment is limited to symposium attendees and will be managed by the AHIMTA, but here’s the best part:  The AHIMTA has arranged to cover your tuition!  So if you are planning to attend the symposium and are looking for an Incident Commander course, keep your eyes open for an enrollment announcement from the AHIMTA and sign-up early.  Seats are limited!

The EMSI ICS-310 course is equivalent to the FEMA E/L0950 All-Hazards Incident Commander course.  The course is highly interactive and activity-centric.  Course topics include:

  • Incident Commander Roles and Responsibilities
  • Initial response activities
  • Staffing and organizing
  • Relationships and interactions with staff and other stakeholders
  • Executive level interactions
  • Command’s direction
  • Incident Leadership
  • Meetings, Briefings, and Support Activities
  • IAP Prep and Approval
  • Executing Plan and Assessing Progress
  • External Coordination
  • Transitioning and Demobilization

In addition to offering the ICS-310 training course, EMSI will have a booth in the vendor showcase, so we can answer any of your incident management and emergency management needs.

Founded as a forum for the once fledgling Type 3 All-Hazard IMT community, the AHIMT Association was incorporated in December 2010 and now boasts of over 600 members.  The Association serves as the voice of the Type 3 All-Hazards IMT community and assists the community by coordinating the development of standards and All-Hazards incident management guidance.

We are excited for this opportunity and look forward to seeing members of the All-Hazards IMT community at the symposium.


Training Days: December 5-7, 2015

Educational Sessions: December 8-10