EMSI is excited to announce our participation in the Clean Gulf 2018 conference November 13-15 in New Orleans, LA.
The Clean Gulf conference covers spill preparedness and response topics for the exploration and production; transportation; and storage of oil and hazardous materials. Providing a forum for responders, operators, regulators, equipment providers, and environmental groups, attendees openly discuss best practices and lessons-learned for response improvement.
A member of the Clean Gulf Conference Planning Committee, EMSI President Ron Cantin will serve as a panel speaker for two sessions and an advisor to a third session. First, Ron will participate in Session 6E, Exercise Success! Train Like You Fight and Fight Like You Train, where he will speak specifically about improving response capabilities through exercises. Second, Ron will participate in Session 6F, Response Competency Processes, where participants will learn about the core principles for developing and maintaining an effective incident management competency program. Finally, Ron is also serving as an advisor to the Session 1G, The Consideration of Environmental Data Management, a session that will focus on the importance of establishing proper protocols for the collection, management, and sharing of environmental response data.
In addition to supporting the Clean Gulf conferences, EMSI maintains a Preferred Response Organization (PROs) contract with Clean Gulf Associates to provide response management services to Clean Gulf Association industry partners. Specific services we offer for CGA industry partners include Incident Management Team (IMT) support, such as filling actual positions, to coaching/advising IMT personnel, evaluating the performance of an IMT, and preparing comprehensive after action documents.
With a considerable oil and gas sector client base, EMSI has contributed to the global culture of preparedness and incident management for oil spill response. Since inception in 2000, EMSI has played a major role in helping government and industry clients alike, prepare, train, and respond to emergencies of any cause or size. Comprised of national and international all-risk, all-hazard response experts, EMSI’s seasoned cadre gives us a unique background and perspective in dealing with incident and responder needs at every level of government and industry, to include the international community. As a global response leader in all-risk, all-hazard, multi-discipline incidents, EMSI has a proven track record in helping the myriad of local, state, national, international, and private sector entities with their incident management and emergency management programs.