EMSI continues to provide emergency management performance support to responders through the development of tools you can use. We are proud to announce our new Glossary of ICS and Emergency Management Terms posted on our website at www.emsics.com. This tool is intended to help incident responders by providing a consolidated glossary of terms related to incident command and incident management, emergency response, and emergency management. It is not a comprehensive, definitive, or exhaustive listing; it is simply a collection of terms, definitions, and acronyms we’ve compiled from various sources and assembled them in a single document as a service to responders worldwide.
Our glossary is intended to be a collaborative effort. If you have a term that you believe should be in the glossary, please forward the term and definition to us (info@emsics.com) so we can include it. We hope you find it useful and help us build a functional tool for responders.