Over the past fourteen years, EMSI has developed scenarios, conducted exercises, coached and mentored responders, and provided evaluation services to a wide variety of clients around the world.Our cadre of seasoned professionals is ready to help your organization prepare for exercises and real-world events alike.
Exercise Development and Execution:
EMSI provides a wide spectrum of experience in the development and execution of exercises for organizations looking to practice and evaluate their response capabilities. Whether a small table-top exercise or a large scale event, we can help with all aspects of an exercise to meet your unique needs.
Coaching and Mentoring:
A key to the improvement of an organization’s response capability is to coach and mentor personnel during an actual response activity or exercise. EMSI has an extensive staff of some of the most qualified and experienced emergency response professionals available: experts in Command, Command Staff, Operations, Logistics, Planning, and Finance/Administration. Working hand-in-hand with your responders, these professionals draw from their decades of experience and can provide near continuous learning moments during a response, training activity or exercise.
Response/Exercise Evaluation:
At the conclusion of any incident or exercise, a key to improvement is having a comprehensive evaluation of the response and capturing the “best practices” and “lessons learned” from the event. With a seasoned staff that has served in every level of an ICS response, EMSI is uniquely qualified in our ability to see what others often do not see, as well as the multiple layers of cause and effect of these observations. We are highly skilled at capturing “best practices and lessons learned”, leading a post event evaluation of the response, and leading or assisting in the development of a response improvement plan.
As a leader in the response management arena, EMSI stands ready to help your organization improve through the execution of exercises, coaching and mentoring personnel, and providing feedback through evaluation services and improvement plan development. Give us a call!
To learn more about the author, Ron Cantin, click here!