Hello to all of our colleagues and friends who have contributed to both Pat’s and my professional careers. You may have noticed that we are not as active in EMSI as in the past. Pat and I have decided to focus our future efforts in another direction. I have personally been employed in mostly emergency management for close to 60 years without much break. It is time for both of us to smell the roses, so to speak. We have decided to spend more time with our family and visiting some of the natural wonders of our country. Prior to Pat’s involvement with EMSI, she retired from the National Park Service and one of her life’s goals is to visit as many National Parks as possible. We have become avid Harley Davidson riders and rode roughly 18,000 miles last year, with many of those miles spent visiting, guess what, National Parks. What a great way to see the country and at the same time visit many of our family and friends throughout the states.
I struggled with leaving my past profession and loosing contact with the many professionals with whom we have had the opportunity to work and socialize during our tenure with EMSI. To help offset this feeling of being out of the game, Pat and I recently purchased a small farm close to our current residence in Virginia. The property is very run down and has provided us a challenge to “put it right.” This effort has possibly saved Pat from the need to tie me to a tree out back. My focus is now spent on developing a master site plan and management plan for the farm instead of an IAP. However, I will continue to assist EMSI on an as-needed basis so you haven’t entirely seen the last of me.
Pat and I want to take this opportunity to thank you all personally for the tremendous support and friendship that you have shared with us throughout the many years that we spent working together. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for helping us enjoy such rewarding careers.
To Read more about the author, Chuck Mills, click here!