The Chevron Corporation has begun implementing a Position Qualification Standard (PQS) which establishes standardized training and competency based evaluation of Incident Command System (ICS) positions. The standard establishes competencies that must be demonstrated on incidents, events or exercises before an individual can be deemed qualified. Each of these competencies and requirements are outlined in an ICS position specific PQS Workbook. As trainees perform and demonstrate these skills, their workbook is signed by a qualified coach, mentor or supervisor.
The PQS program applies to all of Chevron’s Corporate Emergency Response Team including their Worldwide Response Team, Regional Response Teams and Functional Teams. It enhances Chevron’s capability to manage large scale events and incidents around the world.
EMSI has assisted Chevron in developing the PQS program and in coaching and signing PQS Workbooks at the recent ICS exercise in Trieste, Italy.