Course Overview
Given that approximately 95% of all incidents never leave what is often referred to as the stem of the Planning “P” (the Operational Planning Cycle), All-Hazards Initial Response ICS-220 is an advanced ICS training course greatly expanding on initial response management concepts, to better prepare response personnel for managing the often chaotic and dynamic initial stages of the response, with additional focus on a prolonged posture in this critical portion of an incident lifecycle.
Similar to the NWCG S-200 Initial Attack course, this course prepares participants to assume command and effectively direct and manage resources in the initial response phase (stem of the “P”). Also serving as a team course, the ICS-220 course prepares responders, beyond the Incident Commander position, to serve in various initial response overhead support roles as members of an initial IMT.
This course is an instructor-led training that supports learning through discussion, lecture, and active participation in multiple exercises that provides a realistic, hands-on approach to mastering the skills required of a member of an initial IMT.
Specific Course Topics
- Preparedness, Notification, and effective Initial Response and Assessments (size-up)
- Command Direction
- Establishing and managing the IMT and Operations, including the development of an initial response Operations Section organization
- Initial Response IMT Organization, Roles, and Responsibilities
- Identifying Hazards & Risks and managing the incident Safety function
- Providing Logistical Support during the Initial Response
- Effective use of the ICS-201 to manage a response, to include extended operations
- Assessing Progress of the response effort
- Establishing Unified Command
- Command transitions
- Conducting Incident Briefings
Target Audience
- Initial Response Incident Commanders, including Type 3 and Type 4 Incident Commanders
- Members of Initial Response IMTs, including IMT “Short Teams”
- Anyone who may find themselves in a management position during an initial response
Duration: Two days (16 hours)
Pre-requisite (recommended)
Successful completion of ICS-100 and ICS-200
This Course may be Taught in Conjunction With